Duelyst II – Patch 0.2.32

We’re continuing trying out doing a mid month balance patch this month. The initial goal of these was to do them 2 weeks after the monthly patch, which I’m sure many will notice was more than 2 weeks ago at this point. The time it’s been taking to let things settle a bit, then collect data, then talk about and implement changes has been pushing it back a bit the past couple months, so we haven’t quite been hitting that mark. We expect this will continue, so we’re tentatively going to keep doing these about 2.5 weeks out from the monthly patch.

The patch will go live August 23rd at around 8:30pm EST.

Balance Changes


[Old] Lyonar | Spell | 3 | Deal damage to all minions equal to an allied minion’s Health.
[New] Lyonar | Spell | 3 | Deal damage to all minions equal to an allied non-Structure minion’s Health.



Penance started strong, and has only been looking stronger recently, currently being a key piece of the best deck in the game where it’s being used with Isbee’s Monument as effectively a hard board wipe for 6 mana and 2 cards. While there were some options for how to go about weakening the card, we decided to just go ahead and specifically target the most problematic interaction. This may seem a bit too specific at first glance, but it really points to an underlying design issue with Structures; they just don’t work enough like minions to be treated the same in all cases. The combination of disproportionately high Health to cost ratio, fixed 0 Attack, and inability to move just make them not interact well with many cards that affect minions. Until now, these interactions have largely been negative, so there hasn’t been an urgent need to make the distinction (though Obelysk lovers may disagree). We expect that this line will continue to be drawn in the future, especially if (when) we add more Structures to the game, we are just starting with this change for now as we continue to evaluate other ones. Also, thematically, Structures don’t have the awareness to repent, so we aren’t going to let them.

We’re going to continue to keep a close eye on this one after this change to see where it lands.

Inner Focus -> Assassination Protocol

[Old] Songhai | Spell | 0 | Activate an allied minion with 3 or less Attack.
[New] Songhai | Spell | 1 | Activate an allied minion. It cannot damage or attack Generals this turn.



Inner Focus is a card that has been a combination of one of the less liked cards in the game, not a particularly strong card, and problematic for design, all while being core to Songhai’s identity. We wanted to both get rid of the ability for it to just act as out of hand burst (particularly in the context of combos), and get rid of the 3 Attack breakpoint in Songhai, which lead us to just swapping it with Assassination Protocol. This was actually decided on a little bit back, there was just some work to do to fix up the new player experience to work with it that was queued up behind work on the Sisters Mini-Expansion which delayed this change until now. We are hopeful that this will keep help Songhai better leverage large minions to control the board, while still filling a similar role in triggering movement and attack effects, as well as cut down on some of the frustration of low mana, high face damage plays from hand.

This will replace the copies currently in your collection and decks.

Umbral Stalker

[Old] Songhai | Minion | 3 | 3 / 4 | After this moves or teleports, it gains “this cannot be attacked” until it attacks or the start of your turn.
[New] Songhai | Minion | 4 | 4 / 6 | After this moves or teleports, it gains “this cannot be attacked” until it attacks or the start of your turn.



Speaking of cards that were affected by the 3 Attack breakpoint in Songhai, Umbral Stalker has been lackluster to put it kindly. It was intended to serve as a card that had some ability to stick on board and be a presence in combat, but ended up with its stats being limited by not wanting to be unable to be triggered by one of the core Songhai cards. With freeing up that extra option for putting it back in the shadows, we’re bumping it up to have a more respectable body.


[Old] Abyssian | Minion | 5 | 5 / 5 | This can move onto allied minions to destroy them. When it does, draw a card and heal your General for 2.
[New] Abyssian | Minion | 5 | 4 / 8 | This can move onto allied minions to destroy them. When it does, draw a card and heal your General for 2.



This card was part of an effort to find more space for larger minions that don’t immediately produce some sort of value when played. We’ve been talking a bit internally, and decided to allow some more defensive stats on Abyssian minions, and decided to shift this to being a bit harder to clear.

Natural Selection

[Old] Magmar | Spell | 1 | Destroy a minion with the lowest Attack.
[New] Magmar | Spell | 2 | Destroy a minion with the lowest Attack.



Generally speaking, we don’t want removal to cost 1 mana unless it scales against minion cost in some way (e.g. damage based removal), or has some additional exchange of resources (e.g. Aspect of the Wolf giving your opponent a Wolf). The restriction on it generally makes it act as scaling removal when there are several minions on board, but in situations where the board is clear, it is just ends up being hard removal for 1 mana, so we’re bumping it back up to 2 mana.

Earth Walker

[Old] Magmar | Minion | 3 | 2 / 4 | Grow: +1/+1.
[New] Magmar | Minion | 2 | 2 / 2 | Grow: +1/+1.



With Oropsisaur outclassing Earth Walker as a 3 drop, we’re wanted to give it a chance at a new life as a 2 drop. Go get em little buddy!

Special Card

Shout out to Navy for running the card design contests in the Duelyst Official Discord server, and to all the folks who participated in making and voting on cards in them. We decided to add in the final winner of the bracket of all the contests to the game as a free special card for a while to celebrate all the hard work.

Unbounded Energy Amulet

Songhai | Artifact | 4 | After your General moves or teleports, summon an Afterimage in the space they left.


Songhai | Minion | 1 | 2 / 1 | Rush

Wording Changes

All of these changes are non-functional changes to clear up what cards do.

Added reminder text for fight:

  • Fight – Both deal damage to the other equal to their Attack.

Fixed some cases where the word directly was missing

  • Dynasty Standard
  • Equinox Hourglass
  • Mask of Dominion

War Talon

[Old] Neutral | Minion | 6 | 8 / 6 | When this attacks or counterattacks enemy minion, deal excess damage dealt to the enemy General.
[New] Neutral | Minion | 6 | 8 / 6 | When this deals damage while attacking or counterattacking an enemy minion, excess damage is dealt to the enemy General.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Solidify affecting enemies
  • Fix Soul Arbiter not preventing minions from dying during modifier application
  • Fix Marrowgrinder being able to grind itself (the double click UX here was the issue)
  • Fix snags caused by Khymera
  • Fix missing Gauntlet cards (yet again)
  • Fix Bubblesmith damage not being accurately reduced for the non-Bubblesmith player.
  • Potentially fix game state desynchronization that sometimes occurs with Borean Bear and Abyssal Juggernaut – Please let us know if you experience any changes with this, because we are having a real hard time actually getting this to happen when looking for it.


NAME		  	       NEW  	     	   OLD		      CHANGED?
Silverguard Squire              97    1.00          95    1.00        *
Azurite Lion                   146    1.80         144    1.80        *
Lightchaser                    140    1.00         138    1.00        *
Sunstone Templar                94    1.50          92    1.50        *
Windblade Adept                117    1.00         115    1.00        *
Arclyte Sentinel               112    1.70         110    1.70        *
Auroara                        102    1.00                            *
Silverguard Knight             102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Daybreaker                      97    1.60                            *
Lysian Brawler                 102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Sunforge Advance               102    1.00                            *
Sunriser                       102    2.00         100    2.00        *
Suntide Maiden                 102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Echo Mage                       93    1.20                            *
Ironcliffe Guardian            102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Second Sun                     102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Avatar of Zenith                61    0.76                            *
Elyx Stormblade                 78    1.00          84    1.00        *
Grandmaster Z'ir                69    1.80          68    1.80        *

Beam Shock                     102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Lionheart Blessing              81    1.90          80    1.90        *
Aegis Barrier                   81    1.00          80    1.00        *
Aerial Rift                    102    1.90         100    1.90        *
Augury                          80    1.70                            *
Auryn Nexus                    102    1.30         100    1.30        *
Cataclysm                       61    1.80                            *
Magnetize                      102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Sundrop Elixir                 122    1.50         120    1.50        *
True Strike                    102    1.30         100    1.30        *
Lasting Judgement              122    1.50         120    1.50        *
Martyrdom                      137    1.80         135    1.80        *
Sun Bloom                      102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Tempest                        130    1.28         128    1.28        *
War Surge                      102    1.40         100    1.40        *
Divine Bond                    102    1.60         100    1.60        *
Penance                        102    1.00                            *
Decimate                        74    0.45          73    0.45        *
Holy Immolation                102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Circle of Life                 102    1.90         100    1.90        *
Eonbound Phalanx                81    1.20                            *

Sunstone Bracers               102    1.50         100    1.50        *
Dynasty Standard                85    1.60                            *
Sunbond Pavise                 102    1.00                            *
Skywind Glaives                102    1.70         100    1.70        *
Arclyte Regalia                 90    0.70          88    0.70        *

Heartseeker                     87    1.00          86    1.00        *
Rhythmweaver                   104    1.00                            *
Chakri Avatar                  146    1.00         144    1.00        *
Kaido Assassin                 140    1.00         138    1.00        *
Thief of Moments               117    1.10                            *
Tusk Boar                      111    2.50         110    2.50        *
Celestial Phantom               81    1.00         115    1.30        *
Fluttercrane                   102    1.00                            *
Gore Horn                      102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Jade Monk                      112    1.60         110    1.60        *
Lantern Fox                    115    3.30         113    3.30        *
Umbral Stalker                 102    1.00                            *
Widowmaker                      57    1.00          56    1.00        *
Flamewreath                    102    1.00                            *
Four Winds Magus               102    2.00         100    2.00        *
Keshrai Fanblade                61    1.00          60    1.00        *
Hamon Bladeseeker              102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Onyx Jaguar                    102    1.00                            *
Scarlet Viper                   89    1.00          88    1.00        *
Zendo, Ronin Lord               95    0.70                            *
Storm Kage                      43    1.00          43    1.00

Assassination Protocol         132    3.25         130    3.25        *
Juxtaposition                  139    0.89         137    0.89        *
Mana Vortex                    122    3.00         120    3.00        *
Ancestral Divination           122    2.10         120    2.10        *
Backstep                        76    1.30                            *
Ghost Lightning                122    1.68         120    1.68        *
Gotatsu                         51    1.00                            *
Mist Walking                    76    1.50          75    1.50        *
Saberspine Seal                 95    1.00          93    1.00        *
Deathstrike Seal                65    1.00          64    1.00        *
Eight Gates                    102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Mist Dragon Seal                81    0.50          80    0.50        *
Phoenix Fire                   142    1.00         140    1.00        *
Killing Edge                   102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Onyx Bear Seal                 102    1.67         100    1.67        *
Twin Strike                    122    1.50         120    1.50        *
Heaven's Eclipse                92    1.50          90    1.50        *
Pandamonium                    102    1.00                            *
Spiral Technique                55    0.40          54    0.40        *

Shimmering Sensu               102    1.50                            *
Mask of Shadows                112    1.70         110    1.70        *
Bloodrage Mask                 102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Mask of Dominion               102    1.00                            *
Cyclone Mask                    41    1.00          40    1.00        *
Unbounded Energy Amulet        102    1.70                            *

Ancestral Vessel               117    0.80                            *
Chronomancer                   117    1.25                            *
Dunecaster                     117    0.30         115    0.30        *
Ethereal Obelysk               170    1.50         167    1.50        *
Imperial Saboteur              153    0.70         151    0.70        *
Orb Weaver                     117    1.30         115    1.30        *
Pyromancer                     104    1.00         103    1.00        *
Fireblaze Obelysk              132    1.00         130    1.00        *
Portal Guardian                122    3.13         120    3.13        *
Windstorm Obelysk              132    1.00         130    1.00        *
Mirage Master                   67    1.30          66    1.30        *
Sand Howler                    102    1.80         100    1.80        *
Soul Arbiter                   102    1.00                            *
Wind Shrike                    102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Starfire Scarab                 92    1.00          90    1.00        *
Aymara Healer                   57    1.00          56    1.00        *
Fusion Banshee                  90    0.60                            *
Soulstone Obelysk               95    1.00                            *
Oserix                          73    1.35          72    1.35        *

Fountain of Youth               61    1.65          60    1.65        *
Siphon Energy                  173    0.60         170    0.60        *
Auroras Tears                  117    0.85         115    0.85        *
Blindscorch                    110    1.00         108    1.00        *
Drain Morale                   107    1.10                            *
Equality Constraint            102    1.00                            *
Scion's First Wish             125    2.50         123    2.50        *
Bone Swarm                     102    0.70         100    0.70        *
Counterpoise                   102    1.00                            *
Rasha's Curse                  134    3.30         132    3.30        *
Sand Trap                      102    1.50         100    1.50        *
Scion's Second Wish            112    2.00         110    2.00        *
Astral Phasing                  51    0.50          50    0.50        *
Entropic Decay                 102    1.38         100    1.38        *
Inner Oasis                    135    1.25         133    1.25        *
Scion's Third Wish             107    2.00         105    2.00        *
Syzygy                         112    2.30         115    3.00        *
Synaptic Arbitrage             102    1.00                            *
Stars' Fury                    118    2.50         116    2.50        *
Dominate Will                   76    2.00          75    2.00        *
Time Maelstrom                  70    1.50          69    1.50        *

Mercurian Pendant               76    1.80                            *
Staff of Y'Kir                 144    0.70         142    0.70        *
Wildfire Ankh                   87    0.68          86    0.68        *
Hexblade                       115    1.40         113    1.40        *
Equinox Hourglass              102    0.79                            *

Bad Omen                       102    0.90                            *
Abyssal Crawler                110    0.50         109    0.50        *
Blood Siren                    105    1.00         104    1.00        *
Darkspine Elemental            102    0.36         100    0.36        *
Gloomchaser                    166    1.40         164    1.40        *
Soul-Scythe                    105    0.67                            *
Abyssal Juggernaut             107    1.00         122    1.00        *
Nightsorrow Assassin           132    0.86         130    0.86        *
Shadow Watcher                 107    1.18         105    1.18        *
Aphotic Devourer               105    1.70         103    1.70        *
Black Solus                    110    1.80          88    1.00        *
Bloodmoon Priestess            102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Elderchain Cultist              96    1.00                            *
Marrowgrinder                  102    1.00                            *
Nightsplitter                   90    0.30                            *
Reaper of the Nine Moons        79    2.10          78    2.10        *
Shadowdancer                    91    1.34          89    1.34        *
Vorpal Reaver                   69    1.20          68    1.20        *
Spectral Revenant               70    0.50          69    0.50        *

Darkfire Sacrifice             102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Consuming Rebirth               96    1.53          94    1.13        *
Grasp of Agony                 109    2.50         107    2.50        *
Hex of the New Moon             92    0.71                            *
Void Pulse                     110    0.85         108    0.85        *
Daemonic Lure                  153    1.50         150    1.50        *
Soulshatter Pact                92    2.00          90    2.00        *
Sphere of Darkness             102    1.40                            *
Deathfire Crescendo             97    1.00          95    1.00        *
Rite of the Undervault          64    1.85          63    1.85        *
Ritual Banishing               122    1.00         120    1.00        *
Shadow Reflection               76    1.00          75    1.00        *
Void Steal                     102    1.00                            *
Wraithling Fury                 92    0.30          90    0.30        *
Wraithling Swarm               142    1.00         140    1.00        *
Breath of the Unborn            84    1.26          83    1.26        *
Dark Seed                       71    0.70          70    0.70        *
Dark Terminus                  132    1.50         130    1.50        *
Nether Summoning                87    0.50          86    0.50        *
Shadow Nova                    117    1.00         115    1.00        *

Infernal Pact                   86    2.10                            *
Horn of the Forsaken           135    1.20         133    1.20        *
Skinsolder Amulet              102    1.00                            *
Spectral Blade                  96    1.00          94    1.00        *
Mindlathe                      102    1.00                            *
Soul Grimoire                   74    2.00          73    2.00        *

Generation Scribe              103    1.56                            *
Kujata                         117    1.88         115    1.88        *
Phalanxar                      129    1.60         127    1.60        *
Rancour                        117    1.00                            *
Young Silithar                 138    1.45         136    1.45        *
Earth Walker                    92    1.00          90    1.00        *
Oropsisaur                     102    1.00                            *
Primordial Gazer               102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Timecloak Coiler                71    1.15                            *
Vindicator                     102    2.00         100    2.00        *
Elucidator                      71    1.00          70    1.00        *
Grimrock                        92    1.00          90    1.00        *
Matron of the Hunt             102    1.00                            *
Progenitor                     102    1.00                            *
Veteran Silithar               102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Kolossus                        92    1.00          90    1.00        *
Spirit Harvester                81    0.70          80    0.70        *
Makantor Warbeast               95    2.00          93    2.00        *
Silithar Elder                  61    1.20          60    1.20        *
Unstable Leviathan              69    1.00          68    1.00        *
Skycarrier                      60    1.37                            *

Dampening Wave                  81    1.00          80    1.00        *
Flash Reincarnation            112    3.60         110    3.60        *
Greater Fortitude              102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Immortal Resolve               110    0.80                            *
Mana Burn                       71    1.00          70    1.00        *
Predation                      102    1.00                            *
Amplification                   92    1.40          80    1.00        *
Diretide Frenzy                 92    1.60          90    1.60        *
Mind Steal                      51    1.50          50    1.50        *
Natural Selection              132    1.50         130    1.50        *
Tremor                         102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Chrysalis Burst                102    1.30         100    1.30        *
Kinetic Equilibrium            102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Anachronize                     61    1.75                            *
Earth Sphere                   109    1.70         107    1.70        *
Egg Morph                      132    1.40         130    1.40        *
Plasma Storm                   122    0.60         120    0.60        *
Metamorphosis                  132    0.60         130    0.60        *
Fractal Replication             81    2.00          80    2.00        *
Bounded Lifeforce               81    0.60          80    0.60        *

Iridium Scale                   81    2.00          80    2.00        *
Godhammer                       92    1.80                            *
Twin Fang                      102    2.30         100    2.30        *
Adamantite Claws               102    1.22         100    1.22        *

Snow Chaser                    105    3.29         104    3.29        *
Borean Bear                    146    0.40         143    0.40        *
Bubblesmith                    126    0.81                            *
Crystal Cloaker                126    1.00         124    1.00        *
Crystal Wisp                    82    1.00          81    1.00        *
Hearth Sister                  129    1.00         127    1.00        *
Disciple of Yggdra             102    1.00                            *
Fenrir Warmaster               132    0.70         130    0.70        *
Glacial Elemental              113    0.40         110    0.40        *
Wolfraven                       82    1.00          81    1.00        *
Fylgja                          98    1.00                            *
Razorback                      135    2.20         133    2.20        *
Sleet Dasher                    98    1.00                            *
Voice of the Wind              102    1.50         100    1.50        *
Arctic Displacer                98    1.00          96    1.00        *
Draugar Lord                   103    1.00         101    1.00        *
Frosthorn Rhyno                 87    1.00          86    1.00        *
Permafrost Paragon              95    1.00                            *
Ancient Grove                   69    1.20          68    1.20        *
Embla, Forever                  69    0.99                            *

Flash Freeze                   122    1.50         120    1.50        *
Polarity                       102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Aspect of the Fox              110    1.00         108    1.00        *
Bluster                         97    1.70                            *
Mementos                       109    1.00                            *
Solidify                       102    1.00                            *
Aspect of the Wyrm             108    1.98          75    1.50        *
Blazing Spines                 122    1.69         120    1.69        *
Bonechill Barrier              129    1.00         127    1.00        *
Boundless Courage               92    1.50          90    1.50        *
Chromatic Cold                 142    2.00         140    2.00        *
Frostfire                      102    1.00         100    1.00        *
Hailstone Prison               175    1.00         172    1.00        *
Mark of Solitude                87    1.50          86    1.50        *
Mesmerize                      152    1.00         149    1.00        *
Cryogenesis                    102    0.75         100    0.75        *
Gravity Well                   130    1.50         128    1.50        *
Avalanche                       81    2.50          80    2.50        *
Spirit of the Wild             102    3.30         100    3.30        *
Aspect of the Mountains        112    3.70         110    3.70        *

Grandfather Clock              102    1.00                            *
Iceshatter Gauntlet            102    1.00                            *
Winterblade                    123    2.55         121    2.55        *
Coldbiter                       81    1.00          80    1.00        *
Snowpiercer                    102    1.00         100    1.00        *

Dragonlark                      97                  95                *
Fire Spitter                    48                  48
Helm of MECHAZ0R                87                  86                *
Komodo Scavenger                97                  95                *
Maw                             97                  95                *
Moebius                        106                 105                *
Planar Scout                    97                  95                *
Prophet of the White Palm       97                  95                *
Swamp Entangler                 97                  95                *
Aethermaster                   117                 115                *
Araki Headhunter               117                 115                *
Azure Horn Shaman              117                 115                *
Bloodtear Alchemist            213                 210                *
Bluetip Scorpion                73                  71                *
Crossbones                     117                 115                *
Double Agent                   117                 115                *
Dreamgazer                     152                 150                *
Ephemeral Shroud               143                 141                *
Flameblood Warlock              94                  92                *
Ghost Lynx                     193                 190                *
Golem Metallurgist             170                 167                *
Healing Mystic                 247                 243                *
Jaxi                           218                 214                *
Mana Artificer                 117                 115                *
Manaforger                     175                 173                *
Piercing Mantis                 94                  92                *
Primus Fist                    234                 231                *
Refurbysher                    117                                    *
Rock Pulverizer                136                 134                *
Rust Crawler                   140                 138                *
Silvertongue Corsair           103                 101                *
Skyrock Golem                  117                 115                *
Vale Hunter                     82                  81                *
Wings of MECHAZ0R              105                 104                *
Alcuin Loremaster              114                 112                *
Arcane Amplifier                69                                    *
Blaze Hound                     90                  88                *
Bloodshard Golem               102                 100                *
Cannon of MECHAZ0R              81                  80                *
Capricious Marauder            102                 100                *
Chaos Elemental                102                 100                *
CHEW-E                         102                                    *
Crimson Oculus                  85                  84                *
Golem Vanguard                  91                  89                *
Isbee's Monument                45                  44                *
Lady Locke                     131                 129                *
Manabinder                     102                                    *
Metaltooth                     102                 100                *
Mindwarper                      81                  80                *
Mirkblood Devourer             102                 100                *
Mogwai                         122                 120                *
Owlbeast Adept                 102                 100                *
Owlbeast Prophet               107                                    *
Prismatic Illusionist          132                 130                *
Putrid Dreadflayer             102                 100                *
Repulsor Beast                 140                 138                *
Riftwalker                     102                 100                *
Saberspine Tiger               122                 120                *
Sand Burrower                   61                  60                *
Sarlac the Eternal             117                 115                *
Shield Oracle                  147                 145                *
Sojourner                      102                 100                *
Spelljammer                     31                  30                *
Sun Seer                       102                 100                *
Sword of MECHAZ0R              102                 100                *
Sworn Avenger                   61                  60                *
Syvrel the Exile               112                 110                *
Tempting Mantella              102                                    *
Venom Toth                      81                  80                *
Verdmother                     102                                    *
Void Hunter                     92                  90                *
Wind Runner                    142                 140                *
Wings of Paradise               71                  70                *
Artifact Hunter                 92                  90                *
Black Locust                    41                  40                *
Captain Hank Hart               81                  80                *
Chassis of MECHAZ0R            102                 100                *
Cinderbeast                     66                  65                *
Decapotheosis                   74                  73                *
Deja-Vu Engineer                81                                    *
Dioltas                        102                 100                *
Emerald Rejuvenator            222                 219                *
Frostbone Naga                 114                 112                *
Hailstone Golem                140                 138                *
Hollow Grovekeeper             102                 100                *
Keeper of the Vale             132                 130                *
Krazed                         102                 100                *
Lightbender                    102                 100                *
Owlbeast Sage                  132                 130                *
Primus Shieldmaster             81                  80                *
Pummy the Stormchaser           81                                    *
Purgatos, The Realmkeeper      102                 100                *
Silhouette Tracer               88                  87                *
Slothguard Letharus            102                 100                *
Songweaver                      51                  50                *
Sun Elemental                  102                 100                *
Temporal Sage, Lily             92                                    *
Tethermancer                   102                 100                *
Thorn Needler                   71                  70                *
White Widow                     41                  40                *
Young Flamewing                 86                  85                *
Ash Mephyt                     102                 100                *
Brightmoss Golem               109                 107                *
Dagger Kiri                    102                 100                *
Dancing Blades                 157                 154                *
Flame Acolyte                   92                  90                *
Lux Ignis                       41                  40                *
Psionic Resonator               78                                    *
Rogue Warden                    41                  40                *
Sworn Defender                  71                  70                *
The High Hand                  102                 100                *
Twilight Sorcerer              111                 109                *
Zen'Rui, the Blightspawned      31                  30                *
Archon Spellbinder              85                 122                *
Bonereaper                      47                  47
Boulder Breacher                73                  72                *
Deathblighter                   57                  56                *
Dezark                          95                  93                *
Eclipse                         74                  73                *
First Sword of Akrane           95                  93                *
Rook                            76                  75                *
Serpenti                        95                  93                *
Storm Aratha                    76                  75                *
Stormmetal Golem               105                 103                *
War Talon                       57                  56                *
Astral Crusader                 26                  26
Dark Nemesis                    43                  43
Dragonbone Golem                52                  51                *
Emissary of Chaos               78                                    *
Eternity Sage                   65                                    *
Grailmaster                     52                  51                *
Jax Truesight                   26                  26
Nebula                          51                  50                *
Paddo                           43                  43
Pandora                         82                  81                *
Red Synja                       61                  60                *
Whistling Blade                 35                  34                *
Khymera                         43                  43
synchronic Abomination           0                                    *
Worldcore Golem                 44                  43                *
Zurael, the Lifegiver           43                  43