Patch 0.2.35

Sisters Mini-Expansion Part 2

It took us a while, and we apologize for the wait. The second wave of cards for the Seven Sisters Mini-Expansion is finally here! You can check out the new cards below.



Minion | Rare | 3 | 3 / 3 | Shield While this has Shield, your artifacts cost 2 less. When you equip an artifact, this loses Shield.

Shield: Prevent the next time this would take damage or be destroyed.

Halo Bulwark

Artifact | Common | 4 | At the end of your turn, if you’ve played at least three cards this turn, transform allied minions directly above and below your General into Silverguard Knights.



Spell | Rare | 2 | Rotate units in a 3×3 area a quarter turn around the center space and deal 1 damage to them.

New keyword Rotate: Units facing to the right are rotated clockwise, units facing to the left are rotated counterclockwise. Currently, Firewhirl is the only card to use this keyword as it was added mostly to explain the mechanic and shorten the card text.

Ribbon Dancer

Minion | Epic | 3 | 2 / 5 | After every two cards you play in a turn, switch the positions of the units directly in front of and behind this.

This effect works similarly to Juxtaposition. The difference is that it can also affect Generals, and it will trigger even if there is only one unit to teleport.



Artifact | Common | 2 | Your Dervishes have +0/+1. When you summon a Dervish with 2 or less base Attack, transform it into an Iron Dervish.


Minion | Rare | 3 | 2 / 3 | This cannot attack or counterattack. The minion on the opposite horizontal space has -Attack/-Health equal to this unit’s Attack and Health.

“Opposite” means mirrored across an axis, in this case center column. Two Generals are on opposite horizontal spaces at the start of a match. While on the center column, Fatebinder will affect itself.


Dark Bargain

Spell | Epic | 1 | Bargain: – Summon Wraithlings directly above and below your General. – Deal 3 damage to an enemy minion. – Heal your General for 4.

New keyword Bargain: Choose any number of effects in any order. Discard a card from your hand, from left to right, for each effect chosen. Currently, Dark Bargain is the only card to use this keyword as it was added mostly to explain the mechanic and shorten the card text.

You can choose one, two, or all three effects, in any order, and you will have to discard a card from your hand (in order from left-to-right) for each effect you choose. Effect depends on the target. Targeting enemies will deal damage, targeting your General will heal, and targeting an empty tile above or below your General will summon Wraithlings.


Minion | Common | 4 | 6 / 6 | At the start of your turn, this steals 3 Health from your General.


Rage Reactor

Artifact | Rare | 2 | Timeless At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to your General and give it +2/+0.


Minion | Common | 2 | 2 / 3 | This can be played on a minion to give it +2/+3.


Thicket Augur

Minion | Common | 2 | 1 / 1 | Provoke Opening Gambit: Give nearby allied minions “Dying Wish: Summon a Treant on this space”.


Spell | Common | 2 | Teleport all units 1 space towards the enemy’s starting side of the battlefield.



Minion | Rare | 2 | 2 / 2 | At the end of your turn, if you have any unspent mana, this gains +1/+2.

Battlefield Warden

Minion | Rare | 3 | 3 / 3 | Minions cannot be played on this row or column.

Balance Changes

Generation Scribe

[Old] Magmar | Rare | Minion | 2 | 3 / 2 | Opening Gambit: Activate the start of turn and end of turn effects of an allied minion.
[New] Magmar | Rare | Minion | 2 | 3 / 2 Opening Gambit: Activate the start of turn and end of turn effects of an ally.

Generation Scribe can now target Generals and proc effects such as Rage Reactor.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Soul Arbiter + Drain Morale sometimes buffing enemies and debuffing allies.
  • Fixed Soul Arbiter + Polarity/Equality Constraint destroying minions.
  • Fixed Soul Arbiter + Hexblade setting enemy’s attack to 0.
  • Fixed Soul Arbiter + Ruby Aura (AKA red tile) having inconsistent behavior, such as making both Generals 3/26. Arbiter ignores the tile now as it doesn’t belong to any player.
  • Fixed Bubblesmith + Boundless Courage wasting Bubblesmith’s buff when taking damage.
  • Fixed Songhai Dark skins missing running animations and having extra delay on attack animations.

Wording Changes

These changes focus on making card text more consistent or more clear. No changes to how cards function.

Matron Of The Hunt

[Old] Opening Gambit: Deal 1 damage to nearby allies and give them “this can move an addition space” until the end of the turn.
[New] Opening Gambit: Deal 1 damage to nearby allies and give them “this can move an additional space” until the end of the turn.


[Old] When you summon a minion with 2 or less Attack, this gains +2/+0.
[New] When you summon a minion with 2 or less base Attack, this gains +2/+0.


[Old] An allied unit fights a nearby enemy minion.
[New] An ally fights a nearby enemy minion.

Sleet Dasher

[Old] Whenever this minion destroys an enemy, reactivate it.
[New] When this destroys an enemy, activate it.

Spirit Of The Wild

[Old] Activate allied units on your opponent’s starting side of the battlefield.
[New] Activate allies on your opponent’s starting side of the battlefield.

Avatar Of The Zenith

[Old] Whenever a minion is healed, put a Fading Afterglow into your action bar and summon a 1/3 Recruit on a random nearby space.
[New] When a minion is healed, put a Fading Afterglow into your action bar and summon a 1/3 Recruit on a random nearby space.

Unstable Leviathan

[Old] At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage to a random unit. If the unit is allied, give it +4/+0.
[New] At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage to a random unit. If it is an ally, give it +4/+0.

Other Changes

Searching for “teleport” in the card collection now shows cards that have a teleport effect but do not have the word “teleport” in the card text:

  • Juxtaposition
  • Firewhirl
  • Ribbon Dancer
  • Hearth-sister
  • Pummy The Stormchaser
  • Astral Crusader

New Skins

Bloodmoon Priestess – Divine

  • Designed by DivineSoupCan and skinned by Gleetch, this skin re-imagines the Priestess and her devoted Wraithlings in a new light!

Valentine’s Day: Lightbender – Lovebender

  • Skinned by the ever-talented Pasty, Lightbender is all dressed up and ready for some classy battles.

Valentine’s Day: Rogue Warden – Cupid

  • Skinned by the ever-talented Pasty, Rogue Warden’s arrows are primed to target the opponent’s heart.

Voice Of The Wind – Festive