Patch 0.2.9 will go live at around 4 AM UTC/12 AM ET

Kickstarter cards coming soon:

The first wave of new cards designed by our Kickstarter backers will be released later this month! More will be released as we work with backers to confirm their designs.

Matchmaking update:

Also coming later this month, an update to matchmaking will be rolled out that will begin to use our experimental MMR (currently toggled via Settings) for matchmaking and S-Rank placement. This update will also allow players to gain more chevrons for beating highly rated opponents, and not lose any chevrons when losing to significantly higher rated opponents.

Codex update:

The epic voice of the Codex is back! You can now listen to an audio narration of the lore within the Codex as you once could in the original Duelyst!

Card changes:


  • Celestial Phantom: 3 Mana | 1/5 | After this damages an enemy minion, destroy that minion.➝ 2 Mana | 0/3 | Opening Gambit: This gains +1/+0 for each card in your action bar.

Celestial Phantom struggled to compete in Songhai’s already crowded 3 drop slot, and also struggled to compete against Deathstrike Seal, which is kind of sad. Instead, it’s been repurposed into a more self-sufficient 2 drop that isn’t reliant on Inner Focus or Juxtaposition to get good value.


  • Portal Guardian: 0/7 ➝ 1/7

While Portal Guardian’s potential is very high, it’s often too slow and vulnerable to dispel for the risk to be worth it. With an extra Attack, Portal Guardian should have no trouble standing among the other premier faction 3 drops. Your portals have never been safer.

  • Hexblade: When your General damages a minion, set that minion’s Attack to 1. ➝ When your General damages an enemy, set that enemy’s Attack to 1 until your next turn.

When your opponent has single threat in range of your General with high Attack and 5 or less Health, Hexblade is great. This is a quite narrow use case though, and we hope that allowing the effect to work on Generals broadens this enough to make Hexblade a more appealing choice.


  • Gloomchaser: 2/2 | Opening Gambit: Summon a Wraithling on a random nearby space. ➝ 3/1 | Opening Gambit: Summon a Wraithling behind this.

Gloomchaser (and its partner in crime, the Wraithling) have a difficult time finding good trades, and create very swingy opening turns depending on where the Wraithling spawns. We’re addressing both of these with the hope of making Gloomchaser more generally playable in decks that aren’t necessarily focused on swarming the board.

  • Black Solus: 5 Mana | 5/7 | When you summon a Wraithling, this gains +2/+2. ➝ 4 Mana | 6/4 | Dying Wish: Fill your action bar with Wraithlings.

Black Solus’ play pattern was a binary one, and it didn’t fit in too well with other Wraithling synergy cards. The new Black Solus serves as a high-statted 4 drop for decks that like full action bars, lots of Wraithlings, or both. While this isn’t a change, it’s worth mentioning here that Wraithlings cost 0 mana.


  • Earth Sphere: Heal your General for 8. -> Heal your General for 9.

Earth Sphere was difficult to justify when compared to the dynamic duo of Healing Mystic and Emerald Rejuvenator. A small increase to the healing should make this a stronger candidate for your extra Health needs.


  • Blazing Spines: 3 Mana -> 1 Mana

Blazing Spines has always been the odd Wall out, providing control of an area too small to warrant a 3 mana investment. Slashing the cost (and Health of the walls) should significantly change how this card plays, and allow for a great deal more flexibility.

  • Mesmerize: Deal 2 damage to enemies on a row and Stun them if they are minions. ➝ Deal 3 damage to enemy minions in a column and Stun them.

With the success of Entropic Decay – and the fact that blast is another predominantly row-based effect – we thought it best that Mesmerize switch over to Vanar’s ancestral home, the column. While it no longer damages Generals, the damage increase should more than make up for this.

  • White Widow: When you replace a card, deal 2 damage split randomly among enemies. ➝ When you replace a card, deal 1 damage to the enemy General and 1 damage to a random enemy minion.

White Widow’s power level is a little higher than we’d like for one of the most RNG-heavy cards in the game. The randomness and average power of its effect have been lowered accordingly.


The Shop has 3 new skins!

  • Aethermaster – Molten
  • Artifact Hunter – Astral (Designed by: Redremial)
  • Alcuin Loremaster: Gilded

The Shop has 3 new emotes! All will be usable by any General.

“Confident” – Designed by krackocloud

“Terrified” – Designed by krackocloud

“Stare” – Designed by Laguz


Some weights in Gauntlet have changed. All weights are listed below, with an asterisk marking notable changes. For details see https://news.duelyst2.com/gauntlet-devlog-2:

NAME                           NEW                 OLD                CHANGED?

Silverguard Squire              95    1.00          95    1.00
Azurite Lion                   143    1.80         138    1.20        *
Lightchaser                    137    1.00         138    1.00        
Sunstone Templar                92    1.50          92    1.50
Windblade Adept                115    1.00         115    1.00
Arclyte Sentinel               110    1.70         110    1.70
Silverguard Knight             100    1.00         100    1.00
Lysian Brawler                 100    1.00         100    1.00
Sunriser                       100    2.00         100    2.00
Suntide Maiden                 100    1.00         100    1.00
Ironcliffe Guardian            100    1.00         100    1.00
Second Sun                     100    1.00         100    1.00
Elyx Stormblade                 83    1.00          84    1.00        
Grandmaster Z'ir                68    1.80          68    1.80

Beam Shock                     100    1.00         100    1.00
Lionheart Blessing              80    1.90          80    1.90
Aegis Barrier                   80    1.00          80    1.00
Aerial Rift                    100    1.90         100    1.90
Auryn Nexus                    100    1.30         100    1.30
Magnetize                      100    1.00         100    1.00
Sundrop Elixir                 120    1.50         120    1.50
True Strike                    100    1.30         100    1.30
Divine Bond                    100    1.60         100    0.60        *
Lasting Judgement              120    1.50         120    1.00        *
Martyrdom                      134    1.80         135    1.80        
Sun Bloom                      100    1.00         100    1.00
Tempest                        127    1.28         128    1.28        
War Surge                      100    1.40         100    1.40
Decimate                        73    0.45          73    0.45
Holy Immolation                100    1.00         100    1.00
Circle of Life                 100    1.90         100    1.90

Sunstone Bracers               100    1.50         100    1.00        *
Skywind Glaives                100    1.70         100    1.70
Arclyte Regalia                 88    0.70          88    0.70

Heartseeker                     85    1.00          86    1.00        
Celestial Phantom              115    1.30          80    1.30        *
Chakri Avatar                  143    1.00         144    1.00        
Kaido Assassin                 137    1.00         138    1.00        
Tusk Boar                      109    2.50         109    3.00        *
Gore Horn                      100    1.00         100    1.00
Jade Monk                      110    1.60         110    1.60
Lantern Fox                    113    3.30         113    2.70        *
Widowmaker                      56    1.00          56    1.00
Four Winds Magus               100    2.00         100    2.00
Keshrai Fanblade                60    1.00          60    1.00
Hamon Bladeseeker              100    1.00         100    1.00
Scarlet Viper                   87    1.00          88    1.00        
Storm Kage                      42    1.00          43    1.00        

Inner Focus                    129    3.25         130    3.25        
Juxtaposition                  136    0.89         137    0.89        
Mana Vortex                    120    3.00         120    3.00
Ancestral Divination           120    2.10         120    2.10
Artifact Defiler                50    1.00          50    1.00
Ghost Lightning                120    1.68         120    1.68
Mist Walking                    75    1.50          75    1.50
Saberspine Seal                 93    1.00          93    1.00
Deathstrike Seal                64    1.00          64    1.00
Eight Gates                    100    1.00         100    1.00
Mist Dragon Seal                80    0.50          80    0.50
Phoenix Fire                   139    1.00         140    1.00        
Killing Edge                   100    1.00         100    1.00
Onyx Bear Seal                 100    1.67         100    1.67
Twin Strike                    120    1.50         120    1.50
Heaven's Eclipse                90    1.50          90    1.50
Spiral Technique                54    0.40          54    0.40

Mask of Shadows                110    1.70         110    1.70
Bloodrage Mask                 100    1.00         100    1.00
Cyclone Mask                    40    1.00          40    1.00

Dunecaster                     115    0.30         115    0.30
Ethereal Obelysk               166    1.50         167    1.50        
Imperial Saboteur              150    0.70         151    0.70        
Orb Weaver                     115    1.30         115    1.30
Pyromancer                     102    1.00         102    1.00
Fireblaze Obelysk              129    1.00         130    1.00        
Portal Guardian                120    3.13         120    2.76        *
Windstorm Obelysk              129    1.00         130    1.00        
Mirage Master                   66    1.30          66    1.30
Sand Howler                    100    1.80         100    1.80
Wind Shrike                    100    1.00         100    1.00
Starfire Scarab                 90    1.00          90    1.00
Aymara Healer                   56    1.00          56    1.00
Oserix                          71    1.35          68    1.35        *

Fountain of Youth               60    1.65          60    2.34        *
Siphon Energy                  169    0.60         170    0.60        
Auroras Tears                  115    0.85         115    0.85
Blindscorch                    108    1.00         108    1.00
Scion's First Wish             123    2.50         123    2.50
Bone Swarm                     100    0.70         100    0.70
Rasha's Curse                  131    3.30         132    1.30        *
Sand Trap                      100    1.50         100    1.50
Scion's Second Wish            110    2.00         110    2.00
Astral Phasing                  50    0.50          50    0.50
Entropic Decay                 100    1.38         100    1.00        *
Inner Oasis                    132    1.25         133    1.25        
Scion's Third Wish             105    2.00         100    1.00        *
Syzygy                         115    3.00         111    3.00        *
Stars' Fury                    116    2.50         116    2.50
Dominate Will                   75    2.00          75    2.00
Time Maelstrom                  69    1.50          69    1.50

Staff of Y'Kir                 141    0.70         139    0.70        *
Wildfire Ankh                   86    0.68          86    0.68
Hexblade                       113    1.40         113    1.40

Abyssal Crawler                108    0.50         108    0.50
Blood Siren                    103    1.00         104    1.00        
Darkspine Elemental            100    0.36         100    0.36
Gloomchaser                    163    1.40         163    1.40
Nightsorrow Assassin           129    0.86         130    0.86        
Shadow Watcher                 105    1.18         105    1.18
Abyssal Juggernaut             122    1.00         122    1.00
Aphotic Devourer               103    1.70         103    1.70
Black Solus                     88    1.00          88    0.50        *
Bloodmoon Priestess            100    1.00         100    1.00
Reaper of the Nine Moons        78    2.10          78    2.10
Shadowdancer                    89    1.34          89    1.34
Vorpal Reaver                   68    1.20          68    1.20
Spectral Revenant               69    0.50          69    0.50

Darkfire Sacrifice             100    1.00         100    1.00
Grasp of Agony                 107    2.50         107    2.50
Void Pulse                     108    0.85         108    0.85
Consuming Rebirth               94    1.13          94    1.13
Daemonic Lure                  149    1.50         150    1.50        
Soulshatter Pact                90    2.00          90    2.00
Deathfire Crescendo             95    1.00          95    1.00
Rite of the Undervault          63    1.85          63    1.85
Ritual Banishing               120    1.00         120    1.00
Shadow Reflection               75    1.00          75    1.00
Wraithling Fury                 90    0.30          90    0.30
Wraithling Swarm               139    1.00         140    1.00        
Breath of the Unborn            83    1.26          83    1.26
Dark Seed                       70    0.70          70    0.70
Dark Terminus                  129    1.50         130    1.50        
Nether Summoning                86    0.50          86    0.50
Shadow Nova                    115    1.00         115    1.00

Horn of the Forsaken           132    1.20         133    1.20        
Spectral Blade                  94    1.00          94    1.00
Soul Grimoire                   73    2.00          73    2.00

Kujata                         115    1.88         115    1.88
Phalanxar                      126    1.60         127    1.60        
Young Silithar                 135    1.45         136    1.45        
Earth Walker                    90    1.00          90    1.00
Primordial Gazer               100    1.00         100    1.00
Vindicator                     100    2.00         100    2.00
Elucidator                      70    1.00          70    1.00
Grimrock                        90    1.00          90    1.00
Veteran Silithar               100    1.00         100    1.00
Kolossus                        90    1.00          90    1.00
Spirit Harvester                80    0.70          80    0.70
Makantor Warbeast               93    2.00          93    2.00
Silithar Elder                  59    1.20          60    1.20        
Unstable Leviathan              68    1.00          68    1.00

Amplification                   80    1.00          80    1.00
Dampening Wave                  80    1.00          80    1.00
Flash Reincarnation            110    3.60         110    3.60
Greater Fortitude              100    1.00         100    1.00
Mana Burn                       70    1.00          70    1.00
Diretide Frenzy                 90    1.60          90    1.60
Mind Steal                      50    1.50          50    1.50
Natural Selection              129    1.50         130    1.50        
Tremor                         100    1.00         100    1.00
Chrysalis Burst                100    1.30         100    1.30
Kinetic Equilibrium            100    1.00         100    1.00
Earth Sphere                   107    1.70         100    1.40        *
Egg Morph                      129    1.40         130    1.40        
Plasma Storm                   120    0.60         120    0.60
Metamorphosis                  129    0.60         130    0.60        
Fractal Replication             80    2.00          80    2.00
Bounded Lifeforce               80    0.60          80    0.60

Iridium Scale                   80    2.00          80    2.00
Twin Fang                      100    2.30         100    1.30        *
Adamantite Claws               100    1.22         100    1.00        *

Snow Chaser                    103    3.29         104    3.29        
Borean Bear                    142    0.40         143    0.40        *
Crystal Cloaker                124    1.00         124    1.00
Crystal Wisp                    80    1.00          81    2.10        *
Hearth Sister                  126    1.00         127    1.00        
Fenrir Warmaster               129    0.70         130    0.70        
Glacial Elemental              110    0.40         110    0.40
Wolfraven                       81    1.00          81    1.00
Razorback                      132    2.20         133    2.20        
Voice of the Wind              100    1.50         100    1.50
Arctic Displacer                96    1.00          96    1.00
Draugar Lord                   101    1.00         101    1.00
Frosthorn Rhyno                 85    1.00          86    1.00        
Ancient Grove                   68    1.20          68    1.20

Flash Freeze                   120    1.50         120    1.50
Polarity                       100    1.00         100    1.00
Aspect of the Fox              108    1.00         108    1.00
Blazing Spines                 120    1.69         120    1.00        *
Bonechill Barrier              126    1.00         127    1.00        
Boundless Courage               90    1.50          90    1.50
Chromatic Cold                 139    2.00         140    2.00        
Frostfire                      100    1.00         100    1.00
Hailstone Prison               171    1.00         172    1.00        
Mark of Solitude                86    1.50          86    1.50
Mesmerize                      148    1.00         149    1.00        
Cryogenesis                    100    0.75         100    0.75
Gravity Well                   127    1.50         128    1.50        
Aspect of the Wyrm              75    1.50          75    1.50
Avalanche                       80    2.50          80    2.50
Spirit of the Wild             100    3.30         100    3.30
Aspect of the Mountains        110    3.70         110    3.70

Winterblade                    121    2.55         130    2.00        *
Coldbiter                       80    1.00          80    1.00
Snowpiercer                    100    1.00         100    1.00

Dragonlark                      95                  95
Fire Spitter                    47                  48                
Helm of MECHAZ0R                85                  86                
Komodo Scavenger                95                  95
Maw                             95                  95
Moebius                        104                 105                
Planar Scout                    95                  95
Prophet of the White Palm       95                  95
Swamp Entangler                 95                  95
Aethermaster                   115                 115
Araki Headhunter               115                 115
Azure Horn Shaman              115                 115
Bloodtear Alchemist            208                 209                
Bluetip Scorpion                71                  71
Crossbones                     115                 115
Dreamgazer                     149                 150                
Ephemeral Shroud               140                 140
Flameblood Warlock              92                  92
Ghost Lynx                     189                 190                
Golem Metallurgist             166                 167                
Healing Mystic                 242                 243                
Jaxi                           213                 196                *
Manaforger                     172                 173                
Piercing Mantis                 92                  92
Primus Fist                    229                 173                *
Rock Pulverizer                133                 133
Rust Crawler                   137                 138                
Silvertongue Corsair           101                 101
Skyrock Golem                  115                 115
Vale Hunter                     80                  81                
Wings of MECHAZ0R              103                 104                
Alcuin Loremaster              112                 112
Blaze Hound                     88                  88
Bloodshard Golem               100                 100
Cannon of MECHAZ0R              80                  80
Chaos Elemental                100                 100
Crimson Oculus                  84                  84
Golem Vanguard                 100                 100
Lady Locke                     128                 129                
Mindwarper                      80                  80
Mirkblood Devourer             100                 100
Mogwai                         120                 120
Prismatic Illusionist          129                 130                
Putrid Dreadflayer             100                 100
Repulsor Beast                 137                 138                
Saberspine Tiger               120                 120
Sand Burrower                   60                  60
Sarlac the Eternal             115                 115
Shield Oracle                  144                 145                
Sojourner                      100                 100
Spelljammer                     30                  30
Sun Seer                       100                 100
Sword of MECHAZ0R              100                 100
Sworn Avenger                   60                  70                *
Syvrel the Exile               110                 110
Venom Toth                      80                  80
Void Hunter                     90                  90
Wind Runner                    139                 140                
Wings of Paradise               70                  70
Artifact Hunter                 90                  90
Black Locust                    40                  40
Captain Hank Hart               80                  80
Chassis of MECHAZ0R            100                 100
Cinderbeast                     65                  65
Dioltas                        100                 100
Emerald Rejuvenator            217                 210                *
Frostbone Naga                 112                 112
Hailstone Golem                137                 138                
Hollow Grovekeeper             100                 100
Keeper of the Vale             129                 130                
Lightbender                    100                 100
Owlbeast Sage                  129                 130                
Primus Shieldmaster             80                  80
Purgatos, The Realmkeeper      100                 100
Silhouette Tracer               87                 100                *
Songweaver                      50                  50
Sun Elemental                  100                 100
Tethermancer                   100                 100
Thorn Needler                   70                  70
White Widow                     40                  40
Young Flamewing                 85                  85
Archon Spellbinder             122                 122
Ash Mephyt                     100                 100
Brightmoss Golem               107                 107
Dagger Kiri                    100                 100
Dancing Blades                 153                 124                *
Flame Acolyte                   90                  90
Lux Ignis                       40                  40
Rogue Warden                    40                  40
Sworn Defender                  70                  70
The High Hand                  100                 100
Twilight Sorcerer              109                 109
Zen'Rui, the Blightspawned      30                  30
Bonereaper                      46                  47                
Deathblighter                   56                  56
Eclipse                         72                  73                
First Sword of Akrane           93                  93
Rook                            74                  74
Serpenti                        93                  93
Storm Aratha                    74                  74
Stormmetal Golem               103                 103
War Talon                       56                  56
Astral Crusader                 25                  26                
Dark Nemesis                    42                  43                
Dragonbone Golem                51                  51
Grailmaster                     51                  51
Jax Truesight                   25                  28                *
Paddo                           42                  43                
Pandora                         80                  81                
Red Synja                       59                  60                
Whistling Blade                 34                  34
Khymera                         42                  43                
Zurael, the Lifegiver           42                  43