Patch 0.2.11 will go live at around 6AM UTC/1AM ET on Friday 28th of July.
Please fill out this quick survey about the previous and the upcoming patch
In-Game Titles
This patch introduces the first iteration of in-game titles for Kickstarter backers. Currently the titles are being displayed during mulligan screen and contain titles for all 9 backer tiers. Later patches will included a number of further improvements to titles:
- Stylistic improvements to current backer titles
- Ability to change title to any available title
- Custom titles for higher tier kickstarter backers
- Titles for various achievements

Gauntlet Decks in Friendly Matches
You can now use any deck from gauntlet runs you’ve completed within the last two weeks in friendly matches with other people.

Top Win Streak
Veteran Duelyst players might remember that back in Duelyst I beta you were able to see your highest win streak on the profile page, as well as see it on your friends’ profile pages. After many years of being broken this feature is finally back!

Other Changes
- Updated visual effects for Letharus’ runes to make them more prominent in game.
- Updated on-damage visual effect for Riftwalker’s opening gambit.
- You can now skip ongoing animations by pressing spacebar in game.
- Fixed an issue where Mana Artificer visuals would get overwritten by the Cottoncandy skin.
- Fixed an issue where Mana Artificer would appear as a black box in game.
- Fixed an issue where Tethermancer did not refresh mana tiles spawned by Mana Artificer.
- Fixed visual effects for Four Winds Magus and Shadowdancer on-damage effects.